Use these exterior painting tips to increase the curb appeal of your home.
An exterior painting project can be somewhat tricky. In many cases, it can be more difficult than your standard interior painting project. Generally speaking, more things can go wrong because more factors come into play. If you are a do-it-yourselfer and want to try your hand at some exterior painting, there are plenty of things you should know beforehand. Here are some exterior painting tips that will help you achieve the best possible results!
Necessary Tools
The tools and supplies needed for exterior painting will vary based upon the project. However, here are some of the most essential tools to have on hand:
-Paint Roller
-Extension Ladder
-Paint tray
Check The Weather and Plan Accordingly
When it comes to exterior painting, sometimes you need to work with mother nature. If the weather’s not cooperating, you are best off rescheduling your project to another day. Any form of precipitation can ruin your results. Ideally, you want to work on a nice warm day. It is important to check the forecast ahead of time before you pop open the first can of paint.
Use Good-Quality Tools
In order to achieve the painting results possible, it is in your best interest to use high-quality painting tools. If you don’t have them already, go out and invest in some high-end brushes and rollers. They do not need to be top-of-the-line, but they should be of a reputable name brand. Many do-it-yourselfers make the mistake of being cheap when they invest in supplies for their painting project. It is worth spending an extra few bucks so you can achieve better overall results.
Ask The Professionals Questions
Are you a newbie when it comes to exterior painting? If you are, it important to realize that you can always ask the painting professionals questions. It is a good idea to pick their brains if you are ever unsure about something. You probably have questions such as what kind of paint to use, how many cans of paint you will need, and how many coats should you apply to the surfaces.
Get In Touch With Columbia Paint Company Today
Columbia Paint Company is happy to help you choose the perfect color for your painting project and offer you tips for every step of the way. Not sure how to make sure your siding, trim, and accent colors match? Need to see the paints you loved online in person? Schedule an appointment today by calling 443-319-4001 or visiting us online. For more painting tips and updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Houzz, YouTube, and Pinterest!