Skillful interior painting techniques yearn for some creative thinking!
Congrats on your new house! For many first-time homeowners, they haven’t really had to think about the condition of the paint on their walls. That’s part of the reason why interior painting can be so complicated. It’s much easier to make mistakes when you aren’t sure about what you are doing. With that in mind, we came up with a quick list of these helpful tips to get the ball rolling!
Find The Theme That Excites You
First things first, you’ve got to pick a fresh theme. Basically, the aesthetic and character of your house will determine its new personality. The secret to finding a theme that best suits you and your home is quite simple. Think about the different elements and features that you already have. Then contemplate how white, off-white, dark greys, coffee browns, and even burnished rust can complement and accentuate the look-and-feel that is there right now.
Think About How Big the Room Is
Measure the room. Before you decide to continue, calculate the dimensions of the space that you want to paint. Doing this will diminish the hassle that you’re bound to run into as you go along. At first glance, the room’s size and shape won’t seem like it makes a difference. However, smaller rooms suffocate under darker paint. That’s because an already-small room will shrink even more.
Meanwhile, bolder and brighter colors don’t work for a larger room. Louder colors work better in small spaces. In a more spacious part of the home, good interior painting guidelines dictate keeping it to a dull roar. Besides, accent colors can add some jazz you didn’t envision before.
Make Your Furniture a Big Deal
We’ll leave you with one last piece of advice: play up the elegance or attitude of the furniture in the room you want to redo. Skillful interior painting techniques yearn for some creative thinking, after all! Brand new furniture makes an impressive statement. Still, don’t feel obligated to go all-out; what you have now is good to go. Play around with some fun paint swatches. Test them against the items in whichever room you plan to repaint. For example, couches and entertainment centers are the anchors of any comfy living room: they can give you the breakthrough you need to get the job done!
We’ve moved from the Dobbin Road location to our new, roomy location just down the road:
Columbia Paint and Decorating, a Benjamin Moore Dealer
6822 Oak Hall Lane, Suite C2, Columbia MD 21045
Expect the same one-stop shopping for all your decorating needs. We are a full-service Benjamin Moore dealer offering the best quality decorating products at the best prices around. We have an ample supply of paint and paint supplies, wallcoverings, custom window treatments, fabrics, and now NEW flooring selections from Kaleen Rugs and Luxury Vinyl Tile samples. And, of course, the same excellent customer service, knowledge, and customer satisfaction that you’ve come to expect.
Clarksville Paint & Decorating, a Benjamin Moore Dealer
12447 Clarksville Pike, Suite 1A, Clarksville, MD