One aspect of remodeling that many homeowners tend to forget about is the wallpaper that has worn out. At first glance, you might think that these wallcoverings were only limited to the tacky trends that were popular in the 70s and 80s but have since fallen out of fashion. That’s actually far from the truth. Wallpaper is making a comeback, and if you don’t feel comfortable dealing with paint, then it can be a quick and easy way to change the look and feel of your home!
First up on a humble list is vinyl. Because it is so versatile, it has quickly gained popularity. Plus, it’s easy to put up, easy to take down, and most importantly, easy to clean. This last point holds even more value when you’re raising mischievous kids who like to draw on the walls as often as possible. One of the best things about vinyl is that you have plenty of options, so don’t hesitate to take your time – after all, the room is your canvas!
Solid Sheet
Another type of wallcovering you can use is called solid sheet vinyl. It is thicker than its normal counterpart, and as such, is a fair bit more durable. Like regular vinyl, it is also easy to remove, and easy to clean as well. You’ll notice that it often comes embossed, which only makes it more beautiful.
Vinyl Coated Fabric
It’s easy to think that fabric is only for the couches and recliners in your living room. However, that isn’t always the case. Vinyl fabric wallpaper has a nice natural feel to it along with a fun texture. Put it in a sitting room or in the dining room if you wish.
This type of wallpaper doesn’t have any vinyl in it. Since it’s washable and breathable, you won’t have to worry about mold infestations causing you respiratory problems. Despite the fact that it doesn’t tear, it’s still very easy to replace.
We’ve moved from the Dobbin Road location to our new, roomy location just down the road:
Columbia Paint and Decorating, a Benjamin Moore Dealer
6822 Oak Hall Lane, Suite C2, Columbia MD 21045
Expect the same one-stop shopping for all your decorating needs. We are a full-service Benjamin Moore dealer offering the best quality decorating products at the best prices around. We have a large supply of paint and paint supplies, wallcoverings, custom window treatments, fabrics, and now NEW flooring selections from Kaleen Rugs and Luxury Vinyl Tile selections. And of course, the same excellent customer service, knowledge, and customer satisfaction that you’ve come to expect.
Clarksville Paint & Decorating, a Benjamin Moore Dealer
12447 Clarksville Pike, Suite 1A, Clarksville, MD